Time to Get Whacky with Mashups

Concept Generation 

In this phase of the Mesh Mashup project, we are tasked to incorporate remix culture, or better known as, read/write culture. This method of creation allows us to generate new works by fusing original ideas and materials, which could transform anything normal into a silly mess, hopefully in a good way. 

Degrading Environment 

When I think of how we might accidently spill water, it reminds me of the larger accidents we cause. We are wasting the environment for objects that will inevitably become garbage. I have chosen a cup, some fresh trees that transition to bare trees, and a trash bin to illustrate this. 




I often ponder how the dominant corporations on this planet love to venture out for more capital gains. Humans always want to pursue more because we are curious to see where our limits lie. Unfortunately, space exploration is quite costly, but the upside is that we could find valuable resources. I have chosen a diamond surrounded by a golden ring to resemble a planet. The rocket is releasing coins as fuel as it blasts off a gold platform. 






The Confectioner at Karaoke

I noticed how ice cream cones look similar to microphones, so I thought it would be fun to switch the bases around. This is a goofy idea as I imagine it would fit in some slice of life cartoon. Singing can make one sweat, so having ice cream to cool off might be necessary.




Blending a Mountain

I have chosen to place a mountain inside a blender because the size juxtaposes each other. It seems peculiar and the idea is impossible but when I think of how this world might be a simulation to aliens, it kind of makes sense.  We blend objects on the internet so it might be possible to generate an entire simulation with a super computer one day where mini-mountains are controllable, just like a video game. 



Knife Turbine

Wind turbine blades are similar to knives and I thought it would be a bit ironic to mix it with something that it normally cuts (a carrot). 




Ramen Sea

I was eating ramen earlier so this idea was inspired by dinner. The broth reminded me of the salty sea, so I chose to add a boat approaching an island. Just like the blender, the size differences serves as a juxtaposition. I also think the island could resemble meat. 





Don’t Slip

In old comedic sketches, people tend to slip over bananas. Ice skating is associated with slipping and the shape of the banana is similar to a shoe, so I thought it would be neat to mix them together, although it would be dangerous to wear. The caution sign is there for a tad of irony.




Falling Real Estate Market

This seems really unlikely right now, unless I have been watching the wrong news, but it would be nice to imagine house prices drastically dropping. Renting apartments are much more affordable, which is the opposite of this idea as the apartment building is on the top. It would be cool if that also started to lower as well. 




UFO Obtaining Knowledge

Aliens have not been on Earth yet but if they were around the same level as us and arrived first, they might need to learn our language and culture. These giant books represent the vast human knowledge that we have accumulated over the past era. 



Heavy Sound

I thought it would look quite uncanny if I personified a bowling ball. The word "loud" and "heavy" are both high in volume and impact, so I decided to have the ball project itself with a megaphone. The ball slowly decreases in size just like sound does when it travels a farther distance. 




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